For At-Large Director
Roles and Responsibilities
Expectations of the Board as a Whole
The mission/purpose of the Tree Care Industry Association is to advance tree care businesses. Our niche is to provide connections, resources, and training to the tree care business community. In 10-years, TCIA will be the essential resource for successful tree care businesses as defined by them and measured using an engagement score. The Board of Directors adheres to a set of Core Values, including:
- Be Committed
- Be Team Players
- Be Strategic
- Be Open Minded
- Be Stewards of the Industry
As the highest leadership body of TCIA and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the Board is responsible for:
- determining the mission and purpose of TCIA;
- selecting and evaluating the performance of the TCIA President & CEO;
- strategic and organizational planning;
- ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management;
- supporting TCIA’s public image; and
- assessing its own performance.
Expectations of Individual Board Members
Each individual Board member is expected to:
- know TCIA’s mission/purpose, policies, programs, and needs;
- faithfully read and understand TCIA’s financial statements;
- serve as active advocates and ambassadors for TCIA;
- prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in Board meetings;
- follow TCIA’s bylaws and policies; and
- maintain confidentiality about all internal matters of the organization.
Term of Office
At-Large Directors are elected to a three-year term and are limited to serving no more than two consecutive three-year terms. At-Large Directors appointed to serve the unexpired term of an At-Large Director are eligible to serve two full terms. The term of office begins at the TCIA Annual Business Meeting held the first day of the annual Winter Management Conference.
Time Commitment
The Board of Directors meets in-person three times a year as follows:
- At the Winter Management Conference (traditionally held in February)
- At TCIA Headquarters in Manchester, NH or Washington, DC (traditionally in May or June)
- At TCI EXPO (traditionally held in November)
While new Board members do not take office until the Monday of the Winter Management Conference, they are requested to attend the Board meeting that is typically held the previous day as non-voting guests. The May/June meeting is the first meeting where new Board members are full, voting participants.
New Board members are also asked to attend the ASAE CEO Symposium with the TCIA President & CEO. This seminar serves as an orientation to the role of At-Large Director. New Board members are also asked to visit the TCIA Headquarters during the first year of their terms to meet become more familiar with the programs and operations of the organization.
Expenses (Section 206 of the TCIA Board Policy Manual)
Officers and directors maybe be required to travel or incur other expenses from time to time to further the mission of TCIA. Such travel or other expenses shall be authorized in advance by the Chair of the Board and will be reimbursed in accordance with TCIA’s office policies. Such policies and any required paperwork shall be provided to officers and directors on at least an annual basis.
Notwithstanding the previous section, the following additional limitations and waivers will be applied to Board travel and other expenses:
- Registration fees for TCIA events, including but not limited to, TCI EXPO, Winter Management Conference, and Legislative Day, shall be waived for all members of the Board of Directors during his or her term of office.
- Reimbursement for lodging shall be limited to not more than three nights without the written authorization of the Chair of the Board
- This subsection applies to Directors-elect traveling to Winter Management Conference for the purpose of being sworn in at the Annual Business Meeting, or in the event of a vacancy, to a Board meeting for the purpose of being sworn in.
Officers and directors shall have the ability to donate any reimbursement received under this section to the TCIA Foundation.
The TCIA Board of Directors will annually develop a list of criteria for the Nominations Committee to consider as part of the At-Large Director election process. These criteria will be sent, along with a call for candidates, to all TCIA members. The Nominations Committee will also develop interview questions based upon these criteria (see below). All applicants for the position of At-Large Director will be asked to submit a brief statement explaining their interest in being elected to the Board. TCIA will publish the names of all candidates, along with their brief statements, in order to solicit feedback from the membership. The Nominations Committee will review the candidate applications and member feedback and determine which candidates to interview. The Nominations Committee will then present at least two candidates per vacancy to the Board for consideration. The Board will vote on which names will appear on the ballot sent to the membership, along with a statement explaining its selection of candidates. Duly elected candidates will be sworn in and take office at the following TCIA Annual Business Meeting, traditionally held on the Monday of the Winter Management Conference.